Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Bioethics- Normal Character Analysis essays

Bioethics- Normal Character Analysis essays I found Normal to be compelling, engaging, and educational. I think the entire class enjoyed the movie, and it was definitely beneficial to watch in bioethics class, because an emotional connection to ones argument can be just as if not even more crucial and beneficial to an ethical situation as hard facts or detached analysis. Though I felt that all the characters in the film were powerful, complex and memorable, one character in particular that stood out to me was Patti-Ann, the pubescent teenage daughter of Roy, a man with gender dysphoria, and Irma, his confused but supportive wife. Patti-Ann was particularly interesting to me because she demonstrated the theme in the film that there is no such thing as a perfect gender condition, and that most people are, to an extent, confused about the roles that society imposes upon them based on their gender. Patti-Anns character was conflicted; both she and her father were struggling with particular gender issues in a small, rural, religious and socially conservative town. Though Patti-Ann lived and was born as a sexual female, she was a tomboy and expressed discomfort when her mother attempted to impose girlish behavior, clothing, and general feminine standards upon her. Patti claimed that she did not feel comfortable wearing bras, tight clothes, or skirts, and often tried to wear her fathers old clothes. This was ironic and must have been even more confusing to Patti-Ann, because at that time, her father was undergoing his own gender crisis and was getting rid of his old clothes in place of skirts and the type of clothes that Patti felt uncomfortable with. Near the beginning of the film, when Patti got her first period, she expressed disgust, depression and discomfort, a typical reaction for some girls, but one which especially resonated with Pattis character, a biological female who was uncomfortable with her body. ...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Spanish Words Meaning Half

Spanish Words Meaning Half The English word half can be translated to Spanish in several ways, depending on, among other things, what part of speech it is used as. Medio (Adjective) Medio is used as an adjective, and as such it agrees with the noun it refers to in number and gender. Examples El edificio ocupa una media manzana. (The building occupies half a block.) Contiene sà ³lo 103 calorà ­as por media taza. (It has only 103 calories per half-cup.)Es medio hombre, medio vampiro. (Hes half man, half vampire.) Pasaban las horas y las medias horas tambià ©n. (The hours passed, and so did the half-hours.) In some cases, the noun that medio (or one of its variations) refers to can be omitted. Examples Hay tres clases semanales de una hora y media. (There are three weekly classes of an hour and a half.) Necesito una cuchara y media de azà ºcar. (I need a spoonful and a half of sugar.) Medio (Adverb) Medio also is used as an adverb, usually referring to adjectives. In standard Spanish, it is invariable, not changing in number or gender with the adjective it refers to. (In some areas, it is not unusual in spoken Spanish to change the form of medio to agree with the adjective, but such use is considered substandard.) Examples  ¿No ser una de esas mujeres medio locas? (You wouldnt be one of those half-crazy women?) Siempre te veo medio borracho. (I always see you half-drunk.) La tarea est medio hecha. (The homework is half-done.) A Medias A medias is a phrase that can function as either an adjective or adverb. Examples Accesibilidad a medias no es accesibilidad. (Half-accessibility isnt accessibility.) Esa informacià ³n contiene verdades a medias. (The information contains half-truths.) La mirilla me permite ver a medias la silueta. (The peephole lets me half-see the outline.) Comprendo a medias muchas canciones en inglà ©s. (I half-understand many songs in English.) La Mitad La mitad, which often means middle, can also be used as a noun to mean half. Examples El vino rojo reduce a la mitad el riesgo. (Red wine reduces the risk to half.) Replantaremos la mitad del cà ©sped. (We will replant half the lawn.) Cada segundo se crea un blog nuevo, pero solo la mitad permanecen activos. (Each second a new blog is created, but only half remain active.)  ¡Cartuchos de impresora a mitad de precio! (Printer cartridges at half price!)